As I mentioned in a previous article, to get an order is for me an enormous satisfaction. Then receive, long after shipping, some photos of the accommodation of my work, is a satisfaction even greater.
As for the pieces of furniture, I must say that I often know where they will go arranged because I personally deliver or receive images of the house ahead of delivery.
Another story for illustrations. Often, they are ordered to be given away or hung on walls that I will never see. And every time I leave the package in the hands of the post office operator, I find myself asking what will be their trip and what their ultimate goal.
Also this time my curiosity was great, although I had already had some pictures of the apartment under renovation. But receiving after a few months the photos of the finished home with my work on the walls, filled me with gratitude.
And not only. I am proud to count among my clients creative and sensitive people, who understand the beauty and originality also choosing my work. This shows me that my commitment and effort in research are continually rewarded. No satisfaction could be bigger.
Below I will post all the photos received from Erica, because her work as an architect has revived in a very elegant and original way her grandmother apartment , and because I find her photos very interesting. The room portrayed is a real treat: we are talking about an old apartment in Puglia, where the structure of the high vaulted ceiling, walls with brick profile and high windows, white and collected, are already outstanding detail. The floor is wonderful even though I do not know whether it is the original. I think she just started from those shades to define the furnishings, and so the central chandelier has the inside aquamarine color, velvet chairs have shades of mustard and the remaining color is white with a few taps of raw wood.
Congratulations to Erica because I think she did a great job. And I must say that the colors of my pictures seem deliberately chosen for this nice setting in Puglia…