New calendar, for 2021
For four years now my Zanotti Calendar created for charity for SoleTerre Onlus has been a custom.
This year however, which would be the fifth consecutive, the calendar will not be there.
“Not bad,” I thought during the spring, when I was given the communication. I will make one self-produced as in the distant 2015 “.
The will was all, I swear. But then it happened that I embarked on an adventure that I couldn’t say no to at all: a book.
Well yes, a book for children all (or almost) my own: from the idea to the illustrations.
And so the calendar had to inevitably take a back seat, and the moral of the story is that I only have November, finished.
So to make it short I wanted to tell you that this year there is no calendar but if you want, you can book those for 2021 😉
Below, which without doing it on purpose is perfect for the period, the first table of the 2021 calendar.
At least I’ll have time to do it all and let you find it ready by the end of next summer, if you like.