Sudden news, the one of Costanza Algranti’ death, fast as when the same friend who today wrote to tell me of her death, spoke me about her the first time.
And just as quick thoughts on the advice of Giorgio who told me “write an article about her” …
What can I say, my memory has gone to one past day in Milan several years ago when I entered timidly in Pepe street browsing through her wonders, between the hope to meet her and to not see her at all, intimidated a lot by the idea of her presence.
But there she was, coming towards me when I enter her world, greeting me and putting me at ease right away. She stays with me in that journey of mine through her wood and metals, me that I ask questions and she that kindly answers. A strong and delicate figure, seemed to me Costanza Algranti. And in the coming years more and more success, really deserved, with her raw touch working the poorest materials. Planed woods, leads and iron nails rigorously exposed, where really the detail that to many would hide or replace, in her hands becomes soul. Simplicity coming to a very high level of elegance.
Since that day I have always maintained her, even if unbeknownst to her, as my virtual teacher, following my own style but always in line with her thinking and philosophy. Never add, but maintain that the recovered materials give us, not to overturn the forms but create with what you find, not change colors use and time naturally create.
A great philosophy that has carried out so far and that has led to a huge success.
Good work Costanza, who have given life to your visions making them unique and invaluable.
And it is precisely this: to die leaving this huge wealth of creations and life behind you, it is in itself not die.